Package-level declarations

JVM information and other useful utilities. Includes basic program settings support at the api/core/com.hexagonkt.core/-jvm object (like loading and retrieving system settings).


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object ClasspathHandler : URLStreamHandler
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class CodedException(val code: Int, message: String = "", cause: Throwable? = null) : RuntimeException

Exception with a numeric code.

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object Jvm

Object with utilities to gather information about the running JVM.

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abstract class MapResourceBundle(val map: Map<*, *>) : ListResourceBundle
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class MultipleException(val causes: List<Throwable>, message: String = "") : RuntimeException

Exception with a list of causes. Cause is null as it can't be told which one of the list is the cause.

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enum OsKind : Enum<OsKind>
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class ResourceNotFoundException(message: String) : IOException


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val ALL_INTERFACES: InetAddress

Internet address used to bind services to all local network interfaces.

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val assertEnabled: Boolean

This flag is true when assertions are enabled in the JVM (-ea flag). Assertions are disabled by default in the JVM, but they are enabled (and should be that way) on the tests.

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val countryCodes: Set<String>

Set of allowed country codes in this JVM.

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val currencyCodes: Set<String>

Set of allowed currency codes in this JVM.

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val fail: Nothing

Syntax sugar to throw errors.

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val GMT_ZONE: ZoneId

GMT zone ID.

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val languageCodes: Set<String>

Set of allowed language codes in this JVM.

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Internet address used to bind services to the loop-back interface.


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fun UUID.bytes(): ByteArray
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fun check(message: String, vararg blocks: () -> Unit)

Execute a list of code block collecting the exceptions they may throw, in case there is any error, it throws a MultipleException with all the thrown exceptions.

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fun <Z> Collection<Z>.checkSize(count: IntRange): Collection<Z>

Ensure a collection has a fixed number of elements.

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fun countryOf(country: String): Locale
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fun countryOfOrNull(country: String): Locale?
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fun String.exec(workingDirectory: File = File(System.getProperty("user.dir")), timeout: Long = Long.MAX_VALUE, fail: Boolean = false): String

TODO Add use case and example in documentation. TODO Support multiple words parameters by processing " and '

fun List<String>.exec(workingDirectory: File = File(System.getProperty("user.dir")), timeout: Long = Long.MAX_VALUE, fail: Boolean = true): String
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fun URL.exists(): Boolean
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fun <T : Any> fieldsMapOf(vararg fields: Pair<KProperty1<T, *>, *>): Map<String, *>
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fun <T : Any> fieldsMapOfNotNull(vararg fields: Pair<KProperty1<T, *>, *>): Map<String, *>
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fun <V> Collection<V?>.filterNotEmpty(): Collection<V>
fun <K, V> Map<K, V?>.filterNotEmpty(): Map<K, V>
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fun Collection<*>.filterNotEmptyRecursive(): Collection<*>
fun Map<*, *>.filterNotEmptyRecursive(): Map<*, *>
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fun Throwable.filterStackTrace(prefix: String): Array<out StackTraceElement>

Return the stack trace array of the frames that starts with the given prefix.

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fun URL.firstVariant(vararg suffixes: String): URL
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fun freePort(): Int

Return a random free port (not used by any other local process).

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inline operator fun <T : Any> Map<*, *>.get(key: KProperty1<*, *>): T?
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fun Map<*, *>.getBoolean(key: KProperty1<*, *>): Boolean?
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fun Map<*, *>.getBooleans(key: KProperty1<*, *>): Collection<Boolean>?
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fun Map<*, *>.getBooleansOrEmpty(key: KProperty1<*, *>): Collection<Boolean>
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fun Map<*, *>.getDouble(key: KProperty1<*, *>): Double?
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fun Map<*, *>.getDoubles(key: KProperty1<*, *>): Collection<Double>?
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fun Map<*, *>.getDoublesOrEmpty(key: KProperty1<*, *>): Collection<Double>
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fun Map<*, *>.getFloat(key: KProperty1<*, *>): Float?
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fun Map<*, *>.getFloats(key: KProperty1<*, *>): Collection<Float>?
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fun Map<*, *>.getFloatsOrEmpty(key: KProperty1<*, *>): Collection<Float>
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fun Map<*, *>.getInt(key: KProperty1<*, *>): Int?
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fun Map<*, *>.getInts(key: KProperty1<*, *>): Collection<Int>?
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fun Map<*, *>.getIntsOrEmpty(key: KProperty1<*, *>): Collection<Int>
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fun Map<*, *>.getList(key: KProperty1<*, *>): Collection<*>?
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fun Map<*, *>.getListOrEmpty(key: KProperty1<*, *>): Collection<*>
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fun Map<*, *>.getLists(key: KProperty1<*, *>): Collection<List<*>>?
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fun Map<*, *>.getListsOrEmpty(key: KProperty1<*, *>): Collection<Collection<*>>
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fun Map<*, *>.getLong(key: KProperty1<*, *>): Long?
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fun Map<*, *>.getLongs(key: KProperty1<*, *>): Collection<Long>?
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fun Map<*, *>.getLongsOrEmpty(key: KProperty1<*, *>): Collection<Long>
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fun Map<*, *>.getMap(key: KProperty1<*, *>): Map<String, *>?
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fun Map<*, *>.getMapOrEmpty(key: KProperty1<*, *>): Map<String, *>
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fun Map<*, *>.getMaps(key: KProperty1<*, *>): Collection<Map<String, *>>?
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fun Map<*, *>.getMapsOrEmpty(key: KProperty1<*, *>): Collection<Map<String, *>>
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inline fun <T : Any> Map<*, *>.getOrDefault(key: KProperty1<*, *>, default: T): T
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inline fun <T : Any> Map<*, *>.getPath(vararg keys: Any): T?
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fun Map<*, *>.getString(key: KProperty1<*, *>): String?
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fun Map<*, *>.getStrings(key: KProperty1<*, *>): Collection<String>?
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fun Map<*, *>.getStringsOrEmpty(key: KProperty1<*, *>): Collection<String>
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fun inetAddress(vararg bytes: Byte): InetAddress

Syntactic sugar to create an Internet address.

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fun isPortOpened(port: Int): Boolean

Check if a port is already opened.

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fun languageOf(language: String): Locale
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fun languageOfOrNull(language: String): Locale?
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fun localeOf(language: String = "", country: String = ""): Locale
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fun localeOfOrNull(language: String = "", country: String = ""): Locale?
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fun URL.localized(locale: Locale): URL
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fun <K : Any> mapOfNotNull(vararg pairs: Pair<K, *>): Map<K, *>
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fun merge(maps: Collection<Map<*, *>>): Map<*, *>
fun merge(mapA: Map<*, *>, mapB: Map<*, *>): Map<*, *>
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fun <V> notEmpty(value: V?): Boolean
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fun <K, V> Map<K, Collection<V>>.pairs(): Collection<Pair<K, V>>
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fun parseDuration(text: String): Duration

Parse a time duration allowing a more relaxed format: with spaces or commas, lowercase characters and not forcing the text to start with 'P', however, the 'T' is still mandatory to separate date and time durations.

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fun parseLocalDate(text: String): LocalDate

Parse a local date allowing only to specify the year or the year and the month. Missing month and day will be defaulted to january and one respectively.

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fun parseLocale(languageCountry: String): Locale
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fun parseLocaleOrNull(languageCountry: String): Locale?
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fun parsePeriod(text: String): Period

Parse a time period allowing a more relaxed format: with spaces or commas, lowercase characters and not forcing the text to start with 'P'.

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fun properties(url: URL): Map<String, String>

Load a '*.properties' file from a URL transforming the content into a plain map. If the resource can not be found, a com.hexagonkt.core.ResourceNotFoundException is thrown.

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fun <K, V> Map<K, V>.require(name: K): V
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fun Map<*, *>.requireBoolean(key: KProperty1<*, *>): Boolean
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fun Map<*, *>.requireBooleans(key: KProperty1<*, *>): Collection<Boolean>
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fun Map<*, *>.requireDouble(key: KProperty1<*, *>): Double
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fun Map<*, *>.requireDoubles(key: KProperty1<*, *>): Collection<Double>
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fun Map<*, *>.requireFloat(key: KProperty1<*, *>): Float
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fun Map<*, *>.requireFloats(key: KProperty1<*, *>): Collection<Float>
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fun <T : Any, N> T.requireGreater(field: KProperty1<T, Comparable<N>?>, min: N)
fun <T : Any, N> T.requireGreater(field: KProperty1<T, Comparable<N>?>, field2: KProperty1<T, N?>)
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fun <T : Any, N> T.requireGreaterOrEquals(field: KProperty1<T, Comparable<N>?>, min: N)
fun <T : Any, N> T.requireGreaterOrEquals(field: KProperty1<T, Comparable<N>?>, field2: KProperty1<T, N?>)
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fun Map<*, *>.requireInt(key: KProperty1<*, *>): Int
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fun Map<*, *>.requireInts(key: KProperty1<*, *>): List<Int>
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inline fun <T : Any> Map<*, *>.requireKey(key: KProperty1<*, *>): T
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fun Map<*, *>.requireList(key: KProperty1<*, *>): Collection<*>
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fun Map<*, *>.requireLists(key: KProperty1<*, *>): Collection<Collection<*>>
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fun Map<*, *>.requireLong(key: KProperty1<*, *>): Long
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fun Map<*, *>.requireLongs(key: KProperty1<*, *>): Collection<Long>
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fun <T : Any, N> T.requireLower(field: KProperty1<T, Comparable<N>?>, min: N)
fun <T : Any, N> T.requireLower(field: KProperty1<T, Comparable<N>?>, field2: KProperty1<T, N?>)
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fun <T : Any, N> T.requireLowerOrEquals(field: KProperty1<T, Comparable<N>?>, min: N)
fun <T : Any, N> T.requireLowerOrEquals(field: KProperty1<T, Comparable<N>?>, field2: KProperty1<T, N?>)
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fun Map<*, *>.requireMap(key: KProperty1<*, *>): Map<String, *>
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fun Map<*, *>.requireMaps(key: KProperty1<*, *>): Collection<Map<String, *>>
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fun <T : Any> T.requireNotBlank(field: KProperty1<T, CharSequence?>)
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fun <T : Any> T.requireNotBlanks(field: KProperty1<T, Collection<CharSequence>?>)
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inline fun <T : Any> Map<*, *>.requirePath(vararg name: Any): T
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fun Map<*, *>.requireString(key: KProperty1<*, *>): String
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fun Map<*, *>.requireStrings(key: KProperty1<*, *>): Collection<String>
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inline fun <T : ResourceBundle> resourceBundle(locale: Locale = Locale.getDefault()): ResourceBundle
fun <T : ResourceBundle> resourceBundle(type: KClass<T>, locale: Locale = Locale.getDefault()): ResourceBundle
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fun URL.responseCode(): Int
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fun URL.responseFound(): Boolean
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fun URL.responseSuccessful(): Boolean
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fun <T> retry(times: Int, delay: Long, block: () -> T): T

Execute a lambda until no exception is thrown or a number of times is reached.

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fun File = File(System.getProperty("user.dir")), timeout: Long = Long.MAX_VALUE, fail: Boolean = false): String

Executes a command in a shell (allowing to use pipes, redirections, etc.).

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fun UUID.toBase64(): String
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fun LocalDate.toDate(): Date

Convert a local date to a date.

fun LocalDateTime.toDate(): Date

Convert a local date time to a date.

fun ZonedDateTime.toDate(): Date

Convert a zoned date time to a date.

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fun Date.toLocalDate(): LocalDate

Convert a date to a local date.

fun Int.toLocalDate(): LocalDate

Parse a date from a formatted integer with this format: YYYYMMDD.

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fun Date.toLocalDateTime(): LocalDateTime

Convert a date to a local date time.

fun Long.toLocalDateTime(): LocalDateTime

Parse a date time from a formatted number with this format: YYYYMMDDHHmmss.

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fun Int.toLocalTime(): LocalTime

Parse a time from a formatted integer with this format: HHmmssSSS.

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fun LocalDate.toNumber(): Int

Convert a date to an integer with the following format: YYYYMMDD.

fun LocalDateTime.toNumber(): Long

Convert a date time to a number with the following format: YYYYMMDDHHmmss.

fun LocalTime.toNumber(): Int

Convert a time to an integer with the following format: HHmmssSSS.

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fun Throwable.toText(prefix: String = ""): String

Return this throwable as a text.

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fun Period.toTotalDays(): Double

Calculate the aproximate number of days comprised in a time period.

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fun urlOf(url: String): URL
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fun uuid(bytes: ByteArray): UUID
fun uuid(text: String): UUID
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fun LocalDateTime.withZone(zoneId: ZoneId = Jvm.timeZone.toZoneId()): ZonedDateTime

Return the date time in a given time zone for a local date time.