Gradle Helpers
Build Variables¶
The build process and imported build scripts (like the ones documented here) use variables to customize their behavior. It is possible to add/change variables of a build from the following places:
- Passing them from the command line with the following switch:
-P key=val
. - In the project's
file. - Defining a project's extra property inside
. Ie:project.ext["key"] = "val"
. - In your user's gradle configuration:
For examples and reference, check build.gradle.kts and
Helper scripts¶
These scripts can be added to your build to include a whole new capability to your building logic.
To use them, you can import the online versions, or copy them to your gradle
directory before
importing the script.
You can import these scripts by adding apply(from = "$gradleScripts/$script.gradle")
to your
, some of them may require additional plugins inside the plugins
section in the
root build.gradle.kts
. Check toolkit build.gradle.kts
files for examples.
This script set up the project/module for publishing in Maven Central.
It publishes all artifacts attached to the mavenJava
publication (check kotlin.gradle publishing
The binaries are always published. For an Open Source project, you must also include sources and javadoc.
To use it, apply $gradleScripts/publish.gradle
To set up this script's parameters, check the build variables section. These helper settings are:
- signingKey (REQUIRED): if not defined will try to load SIGNING_KEY environment variable.
- signingPassword (REQUIRED): or SIGNING_PASSWORD environment variable if not defined.
- ossrhUsername (REQUIRED): or OSSRH_USERNAME if not found.
- ossrhPassword (REQUIRED): or OSSRH_PASSWORD if not found.
- licenses (REQUIRED): the licenses used in published POMs.
- siteHost (REQUIRED): project's website.
This script set up Dokka tool and add a JAR with the project's code documentation to the published JARs. It adds the following extra task:
- dokkaJar: create a jar file with the source code documentation in Javadoc format.
All modules' Markdown files are added to the documentation and test classes ending in SamplesTest
are available to be referenced as samples.
To use it, apply $gradleScripts/dokka.gradle
and add the
id("org.jetbrains.dokka") version("VERSION")
plugin to the root build.gradle.kts
The format for the generated documentation will be javadoc
to make it compatible with current
Create web icons (favicon and thumbnails for browsers/mobile) from SVG images (logos).
For image rendering you will need rsvg (librsvg2-bin) and imagemagick
installed in the
development machine.
To use it, apply $gradleScripts/icons.gradle
to your build.gradle.kts
To set up this script's parameters, check the build variables section. These helper settings are:
- logo (REQUIRED): SVG file used to render the logos. Used for the favicon.
- logoSmall: SVG file used to render the small logo. If not supplied 'logo' will be used.
- logoLarge: SVG file used to render the large logo. If not supplied 'logoSmall' will be used.
- iconsDirectory: directory inside
where icons will be generated. The default isicons
Adds Kotlin's Gradle plugin.
Uses JUnit 5 as the test framework. It also includes MockK in the test classpath.
It sets up:
- Java version
- Repositories
- Kotlin dependencies
- Cleaning (deleting runtime files as logs and dump files)
- Tests run, handles properties, output, and mocks (test's output depends on Gradle logging level)
- Set up coverage report
- IDE settings for IntelliJ and Eclipse (download dependencies' sources and API documentation)
- Published artifacts (binaries and sources): sourcesJar task
To use it, apply $gradleScripts/kotlin.gradle
and add the
id("org.jetbrains.kotlin.jvm") version("VERSION")
plugin to the root build.gradle.kts
To set up this script's parameters, check the build variables section. These helper settings are:
- kotlinVersion: Kotlin version. Defaults to the version used in the matching Hexagon release.
- junitVersion: JUnit version (5+), the default value is the toolkit version.
- basePackage: module's base package (used by the Jacoco Report when using Kotlin Coding Standard).
- jvmTarget: target JVM version (defines the bytecode version used). If not set, '11' will be used.
Gradle's script for a service or application. It adds these extra tasks:
- buildInfo: add configuration file (
) with build variables to the package. It is executed automatically before compiling classes. - jarAll: creates a single JAR with all dependencies, and the application main class set up. This
task is an alternative to the Gradle
task. - jlink: create an application distribution based on a jlink generated JRE.
- jpackage: create a jpackage distribution including a JVM with a subset of the modules.
- tarJlink: compress Jpackage distribution in a single file.
To use it, apply $gradleScripts/application.gradle
to your build.gradle.kts
To set up this script's parameters, check the build variables section. These helper settings are:
- modules: comma separated list of modules to include in the generated JRE.
- options: JVM options passed to the jpackage generated launcher.
- icon: icon to be used in the jpackage distribution.
- applicationClass (REQUIRED): fully qualified name of the main class of the application.
To set up this script you need to add the main class name to your build.gradle.kts
file with the
following code:
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Creates the required key stores for development purposes. IMPORTANT these key stores must not be used for production environments.
The created key stores are:
: self-signed certificate authority (CA). This store holds the CA private key. The store must be private and will be used to sign other certificates. The key pair alias isca
: key store with CA's public certificate. It can be set as the Java process trust store which makes every certificate signed with the CA trusted. However, if used as the trust store, the JDKcacerts
entries won't be loaded and thus, not trusted. It can be used to set up HTTPS clients (not required to be set at JVM level).<domain>.p12
: there would be one per each domain (seesslDomain
variable). These stores are signed by the CA, and they contain the service private key and its full chain certificate.<domain>
will be the domain name without the TLD, and the Subject alternative names (SAN) will include<domain>.test
(TLD for local environments) andlocalhost
(along the extra subdomains specified).
The defined tasks are:
- createCa: creates
and import its public certificate insidetrust.p12
. - createIdentities: creates the
store for allsslDomain
To use it, apply $gradleScripts/certificates.gradle
to your build.gradle.kts
To set up this script's parameters, check the build variables section. These helper settings are:
- sslDomain[1-9] (REQUIRED): the main domain for the identity store. You can create up to ten (from
). Each of these variables has the formatsubdomain1|subdomain2|subdomainN|domain.tld
subdomains are added to<domain>.p12
alternative names (aside of<domain>.test
which are always added). By default, no extra domains are added to the key store. - sslOrganization (REQUIRED): organization stated in created certificates.
- sslCaFile: certificate authority key store file. By default: "ca.p12".
- sslCaAlias: CA alias in the key store. If not provided, it will be "ca".
- sslTrustFile: trust store file name, by default it is "trust.p12".
- sslPath: path used to generate the key stores. By default, it will be the project's build directory.
- sslPassword: password used for the generated key stores. By default, it is the file name reversed.
- sslValidity: validity period (in days) for certificates. If not provided, it will be 365.
- sslCountry: country used in the certificates. By default, it is the current locale's country code.
This script changes the default Gradle source layout to be less bulky. To use it you must apply the
script to your build.gradle.kts
file. It must be applied after the
Kotlin plugin.
After applying this script, the source folders will be ${projectDir}/main
, and the resources will be stored also in these folders.
This script sets up the build to add GraalVM configuration files for native image generation into JAR files (for library projects), and also allows to easily generate a native image for an application.
The defined tasks are:
- upx: compress the native executable using 'upx'. NOTE: Makes binaries use more RAM!!!
- tarNative: compress native executable into a TAR file.
To use it you must apply the $gradleScripts/native.gradle
script to your build.gradle.kts
It must be applied after the Kotlin plugin.
For the script to work you need to add the plugin to the plugins build section before importing the script. I.e.:
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If you want to create a native image for your application you should execute:
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To set up this script's parameters, check the build variables section. These helper settings are:
Sets up the build to run JMH benchmarks. To use it you must apply the $gradleScripts/jmh.gradle
script to your build.gradle.kts
For the script to work you need to add the plugin to the plugins build section before importing the script. I.e.:
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To set up this script's parameters, check the build variables section. These helper settings are:
- jmhVersion: JMH version to be used. If not specified a tested JMH version will be used.