package com.hexagonkt.http.server.jetty
import com.hexagonkt.http.server.*
import com.hexagonkt.http.handlers.HandlerBuilder
import com.hexagonkt.http.handlers.HttpHandler
* Create a Jetty server and start it. It is a shortcut to avoid passing the adapter.
* @param settings Server settings info .
* @param handlers List of [HttpHandler] handlers used in this server instance.
* @return The started [HttpServer] instance.
fun serve(
settings: HttpServerSettings = HttpServerSettings(), handlers: HttpHandler
): HttpServer =
HttpServer(JettyServletAdapter(), handlers, settings).apply { start() }
* Create a Jetty server and start it. It is a shortcut to avoid passing the adapter.
* @param settings Server settings info.
* @param block Lambda to be used to create the list of [HttpHandler] handlers used in the server.
* @return The started [HttpServer] instance.
fun serve(
settings: HttpServerSettings = HttpServerSettings(), block: HandlerBuilder.() -> Unit
): HttpServer =
HttpServer(JettyServletAdapter(), HandlerBuilder().apply { block() }.handler(), settings)
.apply { start() }