package com.hexagonkt.core
import java.time.*
import java.util.Date
private const val DATE_OFFSET: Long = 1_000_000_000L
private const val YEAR_OFFSET: Int = 10_000
private const val MONTH_OFFSET: Int = 100
private const val HOUR_OFFSET: Int = 10_000_000
private const val MINUTE_OFFSET: Int = 100_000
private const val SECOND_OFFSET: Int = 1_000
private const val NANO_OFFSET: Int = 1_000_000
private const val DAYS_PER_MONTH: Double = 30.4375
/** GMT zone ID. */
val GMT_ZONE: ZoneId by lazy { ZoneId.of("GMT") }
* Convert a date time to a number with the following format: `YYYYMMDDHHmmss`.
* @receiver Date to be converted to a number.
* @return Numeric representation of the given date.
fun LocalDateTime.toNumber(): Long =
(this.toLocalDate().toNumber() * DATE_OFFSET) + this.toLocalTime().toNumber()
* Convert a date to an integer with the following format: `YYYYMMDD`.
* @receiver Date to be converted to a number.
* @return Numeric representation of the given date.
fun LocalDate.toNumber(): Int =
(this.year * YEAR_OFFSET) +
(this.monthValue * MONTH_OFFSET) +
* Convert a time to an integer with the following format: `HHmmssSSS`.
* @receiver Time to be converted to a number.
* @return Numeric representation of the given time.
fun LocalTime.toNumber(): Int =
(this.hour * HOUR_OFFSET) +
(this.minute * MINUTE_OFFSET) +
(this.second * SECOND_OFFSET) +
(this.nano / NANO_OFFSET) // Nanos to millis
* Return the date time in a given time zone for a local date time.
* @receiver Local date time to be moved to another time zone.
* @param zoneId Id of the target zone of the passed local date time.
* @return Received date time at the given [zoneId].
fun LocalDateTime.withZone(zoneId: ZoneId = Jvm.timeZone.toZoneId()): ZonedDateTime =
ZonedDateTime.of(this, zoneId)
* Parse a date time from a formatted number with this format: `YYYYMMDDHHmmss`.
* @receiver Number to be converted to a date time.
* @return Local date time representation of the given number.
fun Long.toLocalDateTime(): LocalDateTime {
require(this >= 0) { "Number representing timestamp must be positive (format: YYYYMMDDHHmmss)" }
return (this / DATE_OFFSET)
.atTime((this % DATE_OFFSET).toInt().toLocalTime())
* Parse a date from a formatted integer with this format: `YYYYMMDD`.
* @receiver Number to be converted to a date.
* @return Local date representation of the given number.
fun Int.toLocalDate(): LocalDate {
require(this >= 0) { "Number representing date must be positive (format: YYYYMMDD)" }
return LocalDate.of(
* Parse a time from a formatted integer with this format: `HHmmssSSS`.
* @receiver Number to be converted to a time.
* @return Local time representation of the given number.
fun Int.toLocalTime(): LocalTime {
require(this >= 0) { "Number representing time must be positive (format: HHmmssSSS)" }
return LocalTime.of(
(this / HOUR_OFFSET),
((this % SECOND_OFFSET) * NANO_OFFSET) // Millis to nanos
* Convert a zoned date time to a date.
* @receiver Zoned date time to be converted to a date.
* @return Date representation of the given zoned date time.
fun ZonedDateTime.toDate(): Date =
* Convert a local date time to a date.
* @receiver Local date time to be converted to a date.
* @return Date representation of the given local date time.
fun LocalDateTime.toDate(): Date =
* Convert a local date to a date.
* @receiver Local date to be converted to a date.
* @return Date representation of the given local date.
fun LocalDate.toDate(): Date =
* Convert a date to a local date time.
* @receiver Date to be converted to a local date time.
* @return Local date time representation of the given date.
fun Date.toLocalDateTime(): LocalDateTime =
LocalDateTime.ofInstant(Instant.ofEpochMilli(this.time), ZoneId.systemDefault())
* Convert a date to a local date.
* @receiver Date to be converted to a local date.
* @return Local date representation of the given date.
fun Date.toLocalDate(): LocalDate =
* Calculate the aproximate number of days comprised in a time period.
* @receiver Period from which calculate the number of days.
* @return Aproximate number of days of the period.
fun Period.toTotalDays(): Double =
(toTotalMonths() * DAYS_PER_MONTH) + days
* Parse a time period allowing a more relaxed format: with spaces or commas, lowercase characters
* and not forcing the text to start with 'P'.
* @param text Text to be parsed to a time period.
* @return Time period parsed from the supplied text.
fun parsePeriod(text: String): Period =
* Parse a time duration allowing a more relaxed format: with spaces or commas, lowercase characters
* and not forcing the text to start with 'P', however, the 'T' is still mandatory to separate date
* and time durations.
* @param text Text to be parsed to a time duration.
* @return Time duration parsed from the supplied text.
fun parseDuration(text: String): Duration =
private fun formatDuration(text: String): String =
.replace(",", "")
.replace(" ", "")
.let { if (it.startsWith("P")) it else "P$it" }
* Parse a local date allowing only to specify the year or the year and the month. Missing month and
* day will be defaulted to january and one respectively.
* @param text Text to be parsed to a local date.
* @return Local date parsed from the supplied text.
fun parseLocalDate(text: String): LocalDate =
when (text.length) {
4 -> Year.parse(text).atMonth(1).atDay(1)
7 -> YearMonth.parse(text).atDay(1)
else -> LocalDate.parse(text)