
package com.hexagonkt.core

import java.util.*

/** Internet address used to bind services to all local network interfaces. */
val ALL_INTERFACES: InetAddress by lazy { inetAddress(0, 0, 0, 0) }

/** Internet address used to bind services to the loop-back interface. */
val LOOPBACK_INTERFACE: InetAddress by lazy { inetAddress(127, 0, 0, 1) }

 * Syntactic sugar to create an Internet address.
 * @param bytes Bytes used in the address.
 * @return The Internet address corresponding with the supplied bytes.
fun inetAddress(vararg bytes: Byte): InetAddress =

 * Return a random free port (not used by any other local process).
 * @return Random free port number.
fun freePort(): Int =
    ServerSocket(0).use { it.localPort }

 * Check if a port is already opened.
 * @param port Port number to check.
 * @return True if the port is open, false otherwise.
fun isPortOpened(port: Int): Boolean =
    try {
        Socket("localhost", port).use { it.isConnected }
    catch (e: Exception) {

fun urlOf(url: String): URL =

fun URL.responseCode(): Int =
    try {
        (openConnection() as HttpURLConnection).responseCode
    catch (e: java.lang.Exception) {

fun URL.responseSuccessful(): Boolean =
    responseCode() in 200 until 300

fun URL.responseFound(): Boolean =
    responseCode().let { it in 200 until 500 && it != 404 }

// TODO Review the next functions, not all cases are covered
fun URL.exists(): Boolean =
    when (protocol) {
        "http" -> responseSuccessful()
        "https" -> responseSuccessful()
        "file" -> File(file).let { it.exists() && !it.isDirectory }
        "classpath" -> try { openConnection(); true } catch (_: Exception) { false }
        else -> false

fun URL.firstVariant(vararg suffixes: String): URL {
    val extension = file.substringAfter('.')
    val fileName = file.removeSuffix(".$extension")

    suffixes.forEach {
        val u = urlOf("$protocol:$fileName$it.$extension")
        if (u.exists())
            return u

    return this

fun URL.localized(locale: Locale): URL {
    val language = locale.language
    val country =
    return firstVariant("_${language}_$country", "_${language}")