
object Platform

Object with utilities to gather information about the running platform.


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val charset: Charset

Default character set.

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val console: Console

JVM Console, if the program don't have a console (i.e.: input or output redirected), an exception is thrown.

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val cpuCount: Int

Number of processors available to the Java virtual machine.

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val hostName: String

The host name of the machine running this program.

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val ip: String

The IP address of the machine running this program.

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val isConsole: Boolean

True if the program has a console (terminal, TTY, PTY...), false if I/O is piped.

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val locale: Locale

Default locale for this instance of the Java Virtual Machine.

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val localeCode: String

User locale consist of 2-letter language code, 2-letter country code and file encoding.

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val name: String

Name of the JVM running this program. For example: OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM.

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val os: String

Operating system name ('' property). If null throws an exception.

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Operating system type.

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val runtime: Runtime

Current JVM runtime.

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val timeZone: TimeZone

Default timezone.

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val version: String

Java version aka language level. For example: 11

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val zoneId: ZoneId

Default zone ID.


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fun loadSystemSettings(settings: Map<String, String>)

Add a map to system properties, overriding entries if already set.

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fun systemFlag(name: String): Boolean

Retrieve a flag (boolean parameter) by name by looking in OS environment variables first and in the JVM system properties if not found.

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inline fun <T : Any> systemSetting(name: String): T
inline fun <T : Any> systemSetting(name: String, defaultValue: T): T
fun <T : Any> systemSetting(type: KClass<T>, name: String): T
fun <T : Any> systemSetting(type: KClass<T>, name: String, defaultValue: T): T
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inline fun <T : Any> systemSettingOrNull(name: String): T?

Utility method for retrieving a system setting, check systemSettingOrNull for details.

fun <T : Any> systemSettingOrNull(type: KClass<T>, name: String): T?

Retrieve a setting by name by looking in OS environment variables first and in the JVM system properties if not found.

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fun totalMemory(): String

Amount of memory in kilobytes available to the JVM.

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fun usedMemory(): String

Amount of used memory in kilobytes.