package com.hexagontk.http.server.jdk
import com.hexagontk.core.fieldsMapOf
import com.hexagontk.core.media.TEXT_PLAIN
import com.hexagontk.core.security.createKeyManagerFactory
import com.hexagontk.core.security.createTrustManagerFactory
import com.hexagontk.core.toText
import com.hexagontk.http.SslSettings
import com.hexagontk.http.model.HttpProtocol
import com.hexagontk.http.model.HttpProtocol.*
import com.hexagontk.http.server.HttpServer
import com.hexagontk.http.HttpFeature
import com.hexagontk.http.handlers.bodyToBytes
import com.hexagontk.http.model.HttpResponse
import com.hexagontk.http.model.HttpResponsePort
import com.hexagontk.http.model.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR_500
import com.hexagontk.http.server.HttpServerPort
import com.sun.net.httpserver.Headers
import com.sun.net.httpserver.HttpExchange
import com.sun.net.httpserver.HttpsConfigurator
import com.sun.net.httpserver.HttpServer as SunHttpServer
import com.sun.net.httpserver.HttpsServer as SunHttpsServer
import java.net.InetSocketAddress
import com.sun.net.httpserver.HttpHandler as SunHttpHandler
import java.security.SecureRandom
import java.util.concurrent.Executor
import javax.net.ssl.KeyManagerFactory
import javax.net.ssl.SSLContext
import javax.net.ssl.TrustManagerFactory
* Implements [HttpServerPort] using the JDK HTTP server.
* @param backlog .
* @param executor .
* @param stopDelay .
* @param idleInterval Maximum duration in seconds which an idle connection is kept open. This timer
* has an implementation specific granularity that may mean that idle connections are closed later
* than the specified interval. Values less than or equal to zero are mapped to* the default
* setting.
* @param maxConnections The maximum number of open connections at a time. This includes active
* and idle connections. If zero or negative, then no limit is enforced.
* @param maxIdleConnections The maximum number of idle connections at a time. If set to zero or a
* negative value then connections are closed after use.
* @param drainAmount The maximum number of bytes that will be automatically read and discarded
* from a request body that has not been completely consumed by its HttpHandler. If the number of
* remaining unread bytes are less than this limit then the connection will be put in the idle
* connection cache. If not, then it will be closed.
* @param maxReqHeaders The maximum number of header fields accepted in a request. If this limit is
* exceeded while the headers are being read, then the connection is terminated and the request
* ignored. If the value is less than or equal to zero, then the default value is used.
* @param maxReqTime The maximum time in milliseconds allowed to receive a request headers and body.
* In practice, the actual time is a function of request size, network speed, and handler
* processing delays. A value less than or equal to zero means the time is not limited. If the
* limit is exceeded then the connection is terminated and the handler will receive a IOException.
* This timer has an implementation specific granularity that may mean requests are aborted later
* than the specified interval.
* @param maxRspTime The maximum time in milliseconds allowed to receive a response headers and
* body. In practice, the actual time is a function of response size, network speed, and handler
* processing delays. A value less than or equal to zero means the time is not limited. If the
* limit is exceeded then the connection is terminated and the handler will receive a IOException.
* This timer has an implementation specific granularity that may mean responses are aborted later
* than the specified interval.
* @param nodelay If true, sets the TCP_NODELAY socket option on all incoming connections.
class JdkHttpServer(
private val backlog: Int = 1_024,
private val executor: Executor? = null,
private val stopDelay: Int = 0,
private val idleInterval: Int = 30,
private val maxConnections: Int = -1,
private val maxIdleConnections: Int = 200,
private val drainAmount: Int = 65536,
private val maxReqHeaders: Int = 200,
private val maxReqTime: Int = -1,
private val maxRspTime: Int = -1,
private val nodelay: Boolean = false,
) : HttpServerPort {
private companion object {
const val START_ERROR_MESSAGE = "JDK HTTP server not started correctly"
private var started = false
private var sunServer: SunHttpServer? = null
constructor() : this(
backlog = 1_024,
executor = null,
stopDelay = 0,
idleInterval = 30,
maxConnections = -1,
maxIdleConnections = 200,
drainAmount = 65536,
maxReqHeaders = 200,
maxReqTime = -1,
maxRspTime = -1,
nodelay = false,
init {
System.setProperty("sun.net.httpserver.idleInterval", idleInterval.toString())
System.setProperty("jdk.httpserver.maxConnections", maxConnections.toString())
System.setProperty("sun.net.httpserver.maxIdleConnections", maxIdleConnections.toString())
System.setProperty("sun.net.httpserver.drainAmount", drainAmount.toString())
System.setProperty("sun.net.httpserver.maxReqHeaders", maxReqHeaders.toString())
System.setProperty("sun.net.httpserver.maxReqTime", maxReqTime.toString())
System.setProperty("sun.net.httpserver.maxRspTime", maxRspTime.toString())
System.setProperty("sun.net.httpserver.nodelay", nodelay.toString())
override fun runtimePort(): Int {
return sunServer?.address?.port ?: error(START_ERROR_MESSAGE)
override fun started() =
override fun startUp(server: HttpServer) {
val settings = server.settings
val sslSettings = settings.sslSettings
val handlers = server.handler.byMethod().mapKeys { it.key.toString() }
val host = settings.bindAddress.hostName
val port = settings.bindPort
val address = InetSocketAddress(host, port)
var jdkServer =
if (sslSettings == null)
SunHttpServer.create(address, backlog)
SunHttpsServer.create(address, backlog).apply {
val sslContext = sslContext(sslSettings)
httpsConfigurator = HttpsConfigurator(sslContext)
jdkServer.createContext("/", object : SunHttpHandler {
override fun handle(exchange: HttpExchange) {
val method = exchange.requestMethod
val request = JdkRequestAdapter(method, exchange)
val response = handlers[method]?.process(request)?.response ?: HttpResponse()
reply(response, exchange)
jdkServer.executor = executor
sunServer = jdkServer
started = true
override fun shutDown() {
sunServer?.stop(stopDelay) ?: error(START_ERROR_MESSAGE)
started = false
override fun supportedProtocols(): Set<HttpProtocol> =
override fun supportedFeatures(): Set<HttpFeature> =
override fun options(): Map<String, *> =
JdkHttpServer::backlog to backlog,
JdkHttpServer::executor to executor,
JdkHttpServer::stopDelay to stopDelay,
JdkHttpServer::idleInterval to idleInterval,
JdkHttpServer::maxConnections to maxConnections,
JdkHttpServer::maxIdleConnections to maxIdleConnections,
JdkHttpServer::drainAmount to drainAmount,
JdkHttpServer::maxReqHeaders to maxReqHeaders,
JdkHttpServer::maxReqTime to maxReqTime,
JdkHttpServer::maxRspTime to maxRspTime,
JdkHttpServer::nodelay to nodelay,
private fun reply(response: HttpResponsePort, exchange: HttpExchange) {
var headers = exchange.responseHeaders
try {
response.headers.forEach { headers.add(it.name, it.text) }
send(response.status, response.body, response.contentType?.text, headers, exchange)
catch (e: Exception) {
send(INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR_500, e.toText(), TEXT_PLAIN.fullType, headers, exchange)
finally {
private fun send(
status: Int, result: Any, contentType: String?, headers: Headers, exchange: HttpExchange
) {
if (contentType != null)
headers.set("content-type", contentType)
var body = bodyToBytes(result)
val size = if (body.isEmpty()) -1 else body.size.toLong()
exchange.sendResponseHeaders(status, size)
if (size != -1L)
exchange.responseBody.use { it.write(body) }
private fun sslContext(sslSettings: SslSettings): SSLContext {
val keyManager = keyManagerFactory(sslSettings)
val trustManager = trustManagerFactory(sslSettings)
val eng = SSLContext.getDefault().createSSLEngine()
eng.needClientAuth = sslSettings.clientAuth
val context = SSLContext.getInstance("TLSv1.3")
trustManager?.trustManagers ?: emptyArray(),
return context
private fun trustManagerFactory(sslSettings: SslSettings): TrustManagerFactory? {
val trustStoreUrl = sslSettings.trustStore ?: return null
val trustStorePassword = sslSettings.trustStorePassword
return createTrustManagerFactory(trustStoreUrl, trustStorePassword)
private fun keyManagerFactory(sslSettings: SslSettings): KeyManagerFactory {
val keyStoreUrl = sslSettings.keyStore ?: error("")
val keyStorePassword = sslSettings.keyStorePassword
return createKeyManagerFactory(keyStoreUrl, keyStorePassword)