Package-level declarations
This package defines server interfaces for HTTP server adapters.
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class HttpServer(adapter: HttpServerPort, val handler: HttpHandler, val settings: HttpServerSettings = HttpServerSettings()) : Closeable
Server that listen to HTTP connections on a port and address and route requests to handlers.
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interface HttpServerPort
Server instance of one kind.
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class HttpServerSettings(val bindAddress: InetAddress = InetAddress.getLoopbackAddress(), val bindPort: Int = 2010, val protocol: HttpProtocol = HTTP, val sslSettings: SslSettings? = null, val zip: Boolean = false)
Holds server settings info.
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fun serve(adapter: HttpServerPort, handler: HttpHandler, settings: HttpServerSettings = HttpServerSettings()): HttpServer
fun serve(adapter: HttpServerPort, settings: HttpServerSettings = HttpServerSettings(), block: HandlerBuilder.() -> Unit): HttpServer
Create a server and start it.