
data class Parameter<T : Any>(val type: KClass<T>, val name: String, val description: String? = null, val regex: Regex? = null, val optional: Boolean = true, val multiple: Boolean = false, val tag: String? = null, val values: List<T> = emptyList()) : Property<T>


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constructor(type: KClass<T>, name: String, description: String? = null, regex: Regex? = null, tag: String? = null, value: T)
constructor(type: KClass<T>, name: String, description: String? = null, regex: Regex? = null, tag: String? = null, values: List<T>)
constructor(type: KClass<T>, name: String, description: String? = null, regex: Regex? = null, optional: Boolean = true, multiple: Boolean = false, tag: String? = null, values: List<T> = emptyList())


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object Companion


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open override val description: String? = null
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open override val multiple: Boolean = false
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val name: String
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open override val names: Set<String>
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open override val optional: Boolean = true
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open override val regex: Regex? = null
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open override val tag: String? = null

TODO To group properties (for listing or alternatives). I.e.: '|alternate|' for grouping options that are exclusive or 'Common Options' to group in help

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open override val type: KClass<T>
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open override val values: List<T>


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open override fun addValue(value: String): Parameter<T>
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open override fun addValues(value: Property<*>): Property<T>
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open fun check(component: String, namePattern: Regex)
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open fun typeText(): String