Package-level declarations
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class HttpClientTool(adapter: HttpClientPort, url: String? = null, httpContentType: ContentType? = null, httpAccept: List<ContentType> = emptyList(), val httpHeaders: Map<String, *> = emptyMap<String, Any>(), sslSettings: SslSettings? = SslSettings(), val handler: HttpHandler? = serializeHandler, authorization: Authorization? = null, followRedirects: Boolean = false)
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class HttpServerTool(adapter: HttpServerPort, settings: HttpServerSettings = HttpServerSettings(), var path: PathHandler = PathHandler())
Server with dynamic handler (delegated to path). Root handler can be replaced at any time without restarting the server.
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Callback that records server requests and responses (the whole event context). The result is taken before any subsequent filter is applied (just how it was received).