
data class HttpContext(val event: HttpCall, val predicate: (Context<HttpCall>) -> Boolean, val nextHandlers: List<Handler<HttpCall>> = emptyList(), val nextHandler: Int = 0, val exception: Exception? = null, val attributes: Map<*, *> = emptyMap<Any, Any>(), val handled: Boolean = false) : Context<HttpCall>


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constructor(context: Context<HttpCall>)
constructor(request: HttpRequestPort = HttpRequest(), response: HttpResponsePort = HttpResponse(), predicate: HttpPredicate = HttpPredicate(), attributes: Map<*, *> = emptyMap<Any, Any>())
constructor(event: HttpCall, predicate: (Context<HttpCall>) -> Boolean, nextHandlers: List<Handler<HttpCall>> = emptyList(), nextHandler: Int = 0, exception: Exception? = null, attributes: Map<*, *> = emptyMap<Any, Any>(), handled: Boolean = false)


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val accept: List<ContentType>
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open override val attributes: Map<*, *>
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val certificate: X509Certificate?
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val certificateChain: List<X509Certificate>
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open override val event: HttpCall
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open override val exception: Exception? = null
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open override val handled: Boolean = false
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val host: String
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open override val nextHandler: Int = 0
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open override val nextHandlers: List<Handler<HttpCall>>
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val origin: String?
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val parts: List<HttpPart>
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val partsMap: Map<String, HttpPart>
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val path: String
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val pathParameters: Map<String, String>
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val port: Int
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open override val predicate: (Context<HttpCall>) -> Boolean
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val referer: String?
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val status: Int
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val url: URL
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val userAgent: String?


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fun accepted(onConnect: WsSession.() -> Unit = {}, onBinary: WsSession.(data: ByteArray) -> Unit = {}, onText: WsSession.(text: String) -> Unit = {}, onPing: WsSession.(data: ByteArray) -> Unit = {}, onPong: WsSession.(data: ByteArray) -> Unit = {}, onClose: WsSession.(status: Int, reason: String) -> Unit = { _, _ -> }): HttpContext
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fun badRequest(body: Any = response.body, headers: Headers = response.headers, contentType: ContentType? = response.contentType, cookies: List<Cookie> = response.cookies, attributes: Map<*, *> = this.attributes): HttpContext
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fun created(body: Any = response.body, headers: Headers = response.headers, contentType: ContentType? = response.contentType, cookies: List<Cookie> = response.cookies, attributes: Map<*, *> = this.attributes): HttpContext
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fun forbidden(body: Any = response.body, headers: Headers = response.headers, contentType: ContentType? = response.contentType, cookies: List<Cookie> = response.cookies, attributes: Map<*, *> = this.attributes): HttpContext
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fun found(location: String, headers: Headers = response.headers, cookies: List<Cookie> = response.cookies, attributes: Map<*, *> = this.attributes): HttpContext
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fun internalServerError(exception: Exception, headers: Headers = response.headers, attributes: Map<*, *> = this.attributes): HttpContext
fun internalServerError(body: Any = response.body, headers: Headers = response.headers, contentType: ContentType? = response.contentType, cookies: List<Cookie> = response.cookies, attributes: Map<*, *> = this.attributes): HttpContext
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open override fun next(): HttpContext
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fun notFound(body: Any = response.body, headers: Headers = response.headers, contentType: ContentType? = response.contentType, cookies: List<Cookie> = response.cookies, attributes: Map<*, *> = this.attributes): HttpContext
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fun ok(body: Any = response.body, headers: Headers = response.headers, contentType: ContentType? = response.contentType, cookies: List<Cookie> = response.cookies, attributes: Map<*, *> = this.attributes): HttpContext
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fun receive(body: Any = request.body, headers: Headers = request.headers, contentType: ContentType? = request.contentType, accept: List<ContentType> = request.accept, cookies: List<Cookie> = request.cookies, attributes: Map<*, *> = this.attributes): HttpContext
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fun redirect(status: Int, location: String, headers: Headers = response.headers, cookies: List<Cookie> = response.cookies, attributes: Map<*, *> = this.attributes): HttpContext
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fun send(request: HttpRequestPort, attributes: Map<*, *> = this.attributes): HttpContext
fun send(response: HttpResponsePort, attributes: Map<*, *> = this.attributes): HttpContext
fun send(status: Int = response.status, body: Any = response.body, headers: Headers = response.headers, contentType: ContentType? = response.contentType, cookies: List<Cookie> = response.cookies, attributes: Map<*, *> = this.attributes): HttpContext
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fun serverError(status: Int, exception: Exception, headers: Headers = response.headers, attributes: Map<*, *> = this.attributes): HttpContext
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fun sse(body: Flow.Publisher<ServerEvent>): HttpContext
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fun unauthorized(body: Any = response.body, headers: Headers = response.headers, contentType: ContentType? = response.contentType, cookies: List<Cookie> = response.cookies, attributes: Map<*, *> = this.attributes): HttpContext
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open override fun with(event: HttpCall, predicate: (Context<HttpCall>) -> Boolean, nextHandlers: List<Handler<HttpCall>>, nextHandler: Int, exception: Exception?, attributes: Map<*, *>, handled: Boolean): Context<HttpCall>