Package-level declarations
Utility callbacks that can be used on handlers. Reuse a callback in different handlers (after, filter, etc.).
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class CorsCallback(allowedOrigin: Regex, allowedMethods: Set<HttpMethod> = ALL, allowedHeaders: Set<String> = emptySet(), exposedHeaders: Set<String> = emptySet(), supportCredentials: Boolean = true, preFlightStatus: Int = NO_CONTENT_204, preFlightMaxAge: Long = 0) : Function1<HttpContext, HttpContext>
HTTP CORS callback. It holds info for CORS.
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Callback that adds the date
header to the response (caching its value).
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Callback that resolves requests' path parameters to files based on a base file. Requests path parameters are not allowed to contain ..
(references to file parent directories are not permitted).
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class LoggingCallback(level: System.Logger.Level = Level.INFO, logger: System.Logger = loggerOf(LoggingCallback::class), includeHeaders: Boolean = false, includeBody: Boolean = true) : Function1<HttpContext, HttpContext>
Callback that logs server requests and responses.
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