Package-level declarations
Code implementing the Netty HTTP server adapter.
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open class NettyHttpServer(bossGroupThreads: Int = 1, workerGroupThreads: Int = 0, executorThreads: Int = Platform.cpuCount * 2, soBacklog: Int = 4 * 1_024, soReuseAddr: Boolean = true, soKeepAlive: Boolean = true, shutdownQuietSeconds: Long = 0, shutdownTimeoutSeconds: Long = 0, keepAliveHandler: Boolean = true, httpAggregatorHandler: Boolean = true, chunkedHandler: Boolean = true, enableWebsockets: Boolean = true) : HttpServerPort
Implements HttpServerPort using Netty Channel.
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class NettyRequestAdapter(methodName: HttpMethod, req: HttpRequest, val certificateChain: List<X509Certificate>, channel: Channel, nettyHeaders: HttpHeaders) : HttpRequestPort