Rocker template engine adapter for Hexagon.
For usage instructions, refer to the templates.md.
For using Rocker templates in GraalVM native images, the template file (and the classes) need to be specified as resources in the configuration (I.e.: using -H:IncludeResources=.*\\.(html|class)
). Adding the classes used in the templates to the reflect-config.json
file is also required.
Install the Dependency
=== "build.gradle"
repositories {
=== "pom.xml"
com.hexagontk.templates templates_rocker $hexagonVersion
Use the Adapter
In order to use this adapter you need to set up a build plugin to compile the templates. To do so in Gradle, add the following lines to build.gradle.kts
rocker {
configurations {
create("main") {
On top of that, you must also declare the template parameters this way: @args(java.util.Map<String, Object> context)
and use the data from the map.
Classes that implement the Templates Port interface with the Rocker engine.